Spark excitement with a firework party

Remember, remember the 5th of November, the old saying goes - but how could you possibly forget bonfire night?

Soon the sky will be awash with colour from firework displays up and down the nation, whether small back garden affairs or large scale organised events.

Bonfire night is the annual celebration of the failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I by Guy Fawkes. In response to this attempt, people lit bonfires in celebration and months later the Observance of 5th November Act was introduced as a day of thanksgiving for the failure of the plot.

Continuing the celebrations with your own bonfire night? Here are a few sparkling ideas to get you started:


Of course you’ll need some fireworks, but which ones should you get to ensure your party goes off with a bang?

Now everyone loves a big rocket and plenty of colour, so make sure you’re well stocked with these. For the kids, don’t forget to get plenty of sparklers so they can get involved.

Remember: handle all sparklers with care and make sure everyone stands well back from the fireworks when they’re being lit.


With the party taking place outdoors on a chilly and hopefully dry November night, you want some warm and filling food. There's no better option than to get the barbecue back out and get those burgers and sausages on the go.


No party is complete without decorations and you can get stocked up with a whole range of invitations, balloons and banners from many major retailers.

However, for a more professional feel, has a variety of banners and firework party invitations to choose from, all full of bright colours and images. Each invitation and party banner can be fully customised, and we offer a 24 hour dispatch time, with free delivery.

Get planning now

There's not long to go! With the nights drawing in, be sure to get started on planning your firework party today and to make it an explosive and colourful event look no further than