Planning the sleepover party your child's been dreaming of

Fear not, eventually all mums and dads will cave and give into their child’s request for a sleepover - it’s all part and parcel of being a parent! Once you’ve accepted the fact that you’re in for a sleepless night, you can start planning the party that your little one has been dreaming of. If you’re stuck for ideas, follow these five tips and you should find it’s a roaring success.

The invites

First and foremost, you will want to send the best sleepover party invitations you can find. Whether you need boys sleepover party invites or slumber party invitations for girls, the various designs available at Putty Print are ideal because they can be easily personalised to include your child’s name. As well as advising on the time, date and what they should bring, they also send the message that there will be sleeping involved - though this might just be wishful thinking!

The food

You’re looking at being in charge of both dinner and breakfast – not to mention all the snacks in between. While you could be safe going with something simple like pizza, be sure to check the other kids’ dietary requirements before storming ahead with an idea and ensure you have a range for different tastes.

Small activities

Usually, your son or daughter and their friends will be able to entertain themselves, whether that's watching funny videos, playing computer games or listening to music. However, you can always help them out by suggesting board or card games for them to play.

The big activity

It’s vital that you prepare an activity that won’t just take a while to get through, but will also help the children wind down. A possible option would be to sit them all in front of a film. With any luck, this will keep them mostly quiet and a few of the kids might even nod off before all is said and done.

Sleeping arrangements

The other parents should hopefully make sure that their child has a sleeping bag and pillow. It’s still worth thinking about what you’ll do if they don’t though. Therefore, make sure you’re armed with spare duvets, sheets and pillows if you want the night to go as smoothly as possible.

Good luck!

Sadly, it’s unlikely you’ll get to snooze when your little one is hosting their own sleepover party in the next room. However, if you follow these tips you can at least rest assured your child and their friends will be having heaps of fun.