7 must-haves for the ultimate New Year’s Eve party

New Year’s Eve is right around the corner. There are many ways to celebrate the occasion – from a night on the town to a quiet night in. However, nothing quite compares to gathering all your friends and family together for a party. If you’ve decided to host a bash, here are seven things you must have to make sure it’s absolutely perfect.

Party invitations

There’s likely to be a few parties held on New Year’s Eve. Make yours the place to be by sending out invitations well in advance. These New Year's party invites by Putty Print will really show that you mean business and you can ask your guests to RSVP to get an idea of numbers.


You’ll want to put on some sort of spread for your guests. However, stick to nibbles as these are less likely to make people feel tired. After all, you don’t want anyone sneaking off for a nap and missing the clock strike twelve.


There should be corks popping all over the place at the stroke of midnight. With any luck, your guests with come armed with their own fizz, but you should also be prepared with a spare few bottles of champagne in case there’s a shortage.

Non-alcoholic drinks

Of course, there’ll be plenty of booze flowing. But you should also arrange for some non-alcoholic beverages for those who are driving such as alcohol-free beers, soft drinks or mocktails.


It wouldn’t be a party without some tunes. Make sure you have a variation, including all the classic dancefloor fillers. Don’t forget, some people might like a recording of Auld Lang Syne for when they let in the New Year.

A clock

The last thing you want is for guests to be going off the time on their own watches and mobile phones. Therefore, make sure there’s a clock that’s fully-functioning and central for everyone to abide by.


Start 2017 with a bang by letting off fireworks. Hopefully, the weather will be dry and your guests can all stand outside to watch the rockets light up the sky.

Happy New Year

These seven handy steps should make for the ultimate New Year’s Eve party. Don't forget you can also add a couple of banners for decoration and to help ring in the new year. Once it’s finished, you’ll no doubt receive plenty of praise from impressed guests!