Click and change the text below and see your changes in the preview
If you need to move some text simply click and drag on the preview
To replace the default text on your chosen design simply edit the text in the form. You will see these changes appear in your design.
To replace the default text on your chosen design simply tap the area of text to load the tools and tap the edit button. Edit the text in the form and your changes will appear in the preview. The toolbar will also allow you to make formatting changes.If you need to change things such as the text size or position then simply click the area of text on your design and the toolbar will load allowing you to make formatting changes. To reposition text simply clicktouch, hold and drag the area of text. When text is selected you can also use the corner tool to resize your text area.
Should you wish to add an additional area of text then simply clicktap the Add Extra Text button (if available) above your design.
To remove an area of text that is not required, clicktap the text on your design and then clicktap the trash can to the bottom left of the area of text.
Below is a key to the tool icons that can be used when editing with the advanced editing toolbar.
To personalise clicktap the text to load toolbar or use the form.
When finished clicktap the orange next button to proceed.
To scroll up and down touch outside the design area.