How to plan an unforgettable hen party

Maids of honour take notice: there’s actually a trick to planning the perfect hen party! It involves thinking outside the box and tackling every aspect with a touch of style. Truth be told, the prospect can be rather daunting. After all, the bash needs to be unforgettable for the guests – and most importantly – for the bride. From start to finish, here’s how you can guarantee your best friend's hen party is a night to remember.

Start by building excitement

You'll want everyone to be looking forward to the hen do. Therefore, you're best off getting the ball rolling with some carefully chosen invitations. We sell a fabulous range of hen party invitations that vary in colour and content. In fact, you'll be so spoilt for choice you won't know where to start! Once they've all been signed, sealed and delivered, you can rest assured that people will be excited for what’s ahead.

Make the bride stand out

The bride is soon to walk down the aisle and say ‘I do’ to the man of her dreams. But before then, your job is to make sure she lets her hair down. A surefire way to achieve this is by getting the bride to stand out from the rest of the gang. One suggestion would be fancy dress. What about a shiny tiara to make her feel like a queen for a day?

Make sure the hens are in unison

Fear not, you and the other hens can also get in on the action when it comes to dressing up. Obviously no one should outshine the bride, so therefore it’s worth thinking about getting all the guests in unison. Sashes are sure to go down a storm. Other ideas include feather boas and matching T-shirts.

Choose a great activity

There’s nothing wrong with a good old fashion knees-up. However, if you want to mix it up you could always start the party with a different activity or some fun party games.

Enjoy the hen party

These handy tips should have you on your way to planning an unforgettable hen party. Remember, it all starts with an invite.